Monday, August 19

Operation ICS: Step 3

Step 3: The storm

Once again at 3:30 AM, we went up on the roof. Looked at the Warehouse. "Kyra, wouldn't it be funny if for some reason the weather gods would say: "Fuck this building in particular." What do you think?"

Kyra:"Sounds like a great idea." She grinned.

Five minutes later a flock of convocation birds circled above the warehouse. Clouds soon formed a wind swept by and Boom. Lightning strike directly aimed at the warehouse. And then another. That one set a trashcan on fire. A third one. A fourth. OUCH, that's gotta hurt. One of the Nameless tried to run, not a smart move. He's toast now.

After that the birds flew away. Its still storming but its calming down. No more lightning.
Hey Instant, this is what you get when you try sending Kelevra after me. (If you didn't do that, oh well, you're still an asshole. So fuck you.)

Memo to self: Do not mess with the Convocation. Ever.


  1. Remind me not to hurl shit at the Convocation.

    Get the bastard. And if there's time, SURPRISE LEMONADE! Or go into the men's bathroom and shit in the urinal and watch them argue about who did it.

    I'm not very good at this diabolical plan thing, am I? Oh well. Good luck, and don't die, otherwise I will cry. And then ram a large automatic gun deep in the Instant's Shardy ass and tape the trigger down.

    1. I know right, frigging over powered birds.

      Well that's certainly evil.. I think. xD
      Or I could combine those two, pee in their lemonade.

      Nothing makes you feel more like a supervillain than directing a flock of evil birds to shit lightning on a building. At least nothing I've tried so far.

      I won't die, I still have a war to win. But IF I do die tell the Instant I said Hi, before taping down that trigger.<x3

  2. Zeus is displeased. VERY displeased.

  3. I have the biggest grin on my face. : D I love lightning.

    1. Lightning is awesome. I almost felt like a little kid seeing her first fireworks. A bit scared (its still the Convocation) but fascinated as fuck. Twas truly the best show I've seen in a while.
