Sunday, August 11

Face off with the Slender man.

Sorry about the last post.
I really didn't expect the Slender man to show up in yggdrasill. I got up and ran as soon as I posted. I accidentally left the laptop back there. Luckily I didn't forget the Book.
He followed me all the way back to the upper layer. He just wouldn't give up, not even when he accidentally broke the tunnel wall. He almost fell through the hole too. o.o 

That slowed him down enough to let me escape. Once I was back in the tower I woke up Alicia and told her we got the Book but the Slender man was chasing us. She panicked and jumped out of a window. D:

You make it sound like I wanted to kill myself..
Yes, I jumped out of a window. But that was because there was a roof of another building directly below us. And yes, I knew it was there. <.<
I've learned that the key to surviving encounters with the tall bastard requires improvising. Being unpredictable helps a lot. And whats more unpredictable than jumping out a window?

Jumping out of two windows?

...Actually that's more predictable. Anyway..
Once I was on the roof I looked back and saw him standing there in the window. With his head tilted to the side, watching me. I stared back at him.
Part of me was screaming in my head, telling me to run.

Wasn't me.

But this whole trip had left me completely exhausted. Plus I was on a frigging roof, where was I gonna run to? So I just stood there, tilting my head too. Mimicking him a bit.
Tentacles sprouted from his back and stared lashing around in the air. He himself was completely standing still though.

So yeah, I was completely fucked. And scared as shit. Seriously I was gonna fucking die!
But then suddenly..
The building(the one I was on) dropped. Like an elevator or something.
The whole frigging building dropped like fifteen stories. Leaving Slendy way up there. Of course he could just have "slenderwalked" over to me. But luckily a Door appeared next to me before he could do that.

So Yeah, I'm back. Mission accomplished bitches. <x3

Side note: Holy shit I got lucky. Was the Empty city helping me or something?... If so, WHY?..


  1. Oh my Alicia, seems like after we parted ways we have gone quite similar directions. Although, frankly I haven't been involved in these particular fears.

    Perhaps you are some kind of fear magnet, magnetizing everyone who you spend some amount of time with. Which would explain the events happening to me which I, kind of have yet to write as I'm writing this. So don't expect to see my full tale on my blogger account, time travel and all that...personally I blame the Glitch, but whatever.

    Anyway, I'd be careful. Despite the Empty City being the least aligned one i.e neutral, the empty city is a fear nonetheless so even if it appears helpful. I wouldn't trust me, believe me I made that mistake with the man in gray.

    Anyway, I actually just now read through the entire thing and I must say its impressive.

    Take care of yourself ^-^
    Céline De Vos

    1. Holy crap Céline! Wow its been ages since.. you know.. <.<

      The Fears got you too huh?..
      I don't think I was already being stalked by a Fear back then. Probably just dumb (un)luck.

      Well I'm out of the City now and I have no intention on ever going back. Doesn't matter if it wants to help me or eat me. NEVER setting a foot through a Door again, ever.

      Jeez, its been a long ass time, fun times.

      You too. ^^

    2. Yeah it has been long time. When/if things get more quiet then we should meet for coffee or something and just catch up ^-^


      Céline De Vos

  2. -.- Still don't trust you. Shine, that is.
    And I really don't see why the City was helping you. After all, from what I understand it's neutrl on the side of the fears. While we piss off most fears, I doubt it'd be possible to piss off the City.

    1. Its okay, I don't trust you either. ~Shine
      Maybe for us but Fears could piss it off. It is sentient in some way after all. Maybe it had a grudge against slendy?
      Maybe it was just pure luck?

      I dunno. What matters is, I'm back.

  3. *sighs* The Empty City and Father have been fighting AGAIN?

    I once tried to save someone from the City. I'd actually managed to locate him, but the the Slender Man showed up and stole him away to the Path. Few days later, I end getting attacked by the same person.

    Apparently, Father and the Empty City do not see eye to eye. Or, um...building to tentacle.

    1. Seems like it. Or like I said, it could have been luck.
