Thursday, August 8

I'm freaking out.

Fucking hell.
We've reached the 279th floor finally. Even though the City made it fucking hard to get here. Every time we thought we were making progress, a wall appeared. So we had to go into the inner tower. Which looked like just a regular office building. Grey,white and boring but Green and weird as fuck too. I mean.. It was white,grey and green at the same time. I can't even explain it without it sounding like nonsense.

I don't know, I think I'm losing my mind in this place.

I told you this place has that effect on people. That's why I have to take over before we go into Yggdrasill, it just gets worse down there.

Yeah, I could use a rest right now. I haven't slept since we got here.
Anyway, all the while we were being followed by whatever it was. If there was anything at all that is. I mean I heard sounds behind me from time to time. And you know that feeling of being watched right? I had that all the time. I fucking hate that feeling. I could almost feel from what direction they were watching me but .. I just..

And then outside was even weirder. There were windows all around even where the stairs were supposed to be. Even though there were no windows whenever I was walking up the stairs. Only when I was inside..
And everything outside seemed to change every time I looked away. Buildings were shorter or taller than a second earlier, buildings moved or switched places Sometimes I could see the ground below other times I only saw the roofs of the buildings below us.

Just thinking about it is making me dizzy. I can't do this anymore, Shine take over for a while, I need to sleep..

Okay, I'll take it from here. 
AAAAnd she's sleeping. Poor girl's been awake for two days now. Well two Empty city "days" Its probably been longer back in our universe.

The gate to Yggdrasill looks the same as ever. Probably the only part of the surface that doesn't shift. Just a round, dark opening in the wall. Inside is a black tunnel with white shadows, that leads all the way down to the core. 

Well I better not waste any time, off I go! WEEEE!! :3


  1. Now you see why I don't trust you. Taking over right before the destination is pretty suspect.

    1. It's not too wise to trust a Fear under any circumstances. You never can tell exactly what they want from something, or what they'll gain.

    2. You're preaching to the choir, mate. Now try convincing alicia

    3. I explained why I took over. Humans minds can't handle yggdrasill. She'd go mad if she go too far down here.
      I don't want my best friend going mad.

      A little bit crazy is always fun but I'd rather keep her the way she is. c:


    4. Yeah, the problem is when YOUR plan justhappens to involve YOU having control at a critical juncture. With the only person justifying it as a good ideabeing YOU. Who I don't trust as far as I can throw, which isn't very far because you aren't quite a physical construct.

    5. Pfft. I don't care if you trust me. As long as Alicia knows I'm not trying to harm her, I don't give two flying shards about anyone else. :3

      Honestly though, what kind of rumors have you been hearing about me? Do I really have that bad of a reputation? I wouldn't even know how I got one like that. o.o

      You know, you should double check your sources. Because there's some error in that data.
      I'm serious. Bad data is never good. Especialy rumors. :c


    6. Yeah, but to be honest even without a good source I'm a wee bit leery of trusting parasites that live in people's minds, which have entirely alien motives, and occasionally take over. I mean, that's just fucken. It's just common sense.

      And quite frankly, that's the point. Even if you aren't actively harming her, you're a risk, a weakness, and could change that, given the motive. Everything that reasons can be bought, and if that happens to you it'll be a damn sight worse than anything else. wouldn't need to actively be someone trying to subvert you; just the payoff for getting Alicia killed being higher than the cost (Alicia's life).

      As for the sources, I'm not gonna name them because of the inherent risks in providing you with a list of people who don't trust you (I mean, you seriously thought I would?). Suffice to say that there are enough that I don't trust you. Moreso than other fears.

      Seriously, there is nothing you can say to make me trust you. Because for that to work I'd have to believe you, so I'd have to trust you, and that aint happening.

    7. All I'm asking for is what those rumors are. And to check your sources for errors. I never asked for the names of your sources. Why would I even want to know those? o.O

      I'm not gonna kill people over some false rumors. I'm just curious. o.o

      I might be a risk but I'm not a weakness. What could anyone even offer me for abandoning Alicia?
      More power? Not all us shards are as power hungry as the Instant. If I wanted more power I would have absorbed Moony before the Instant did. Or something.

      I'm not trying to make you believe me. I'm just correcting these lies you've heard about me.
      Wouldn't you do the same if someone spread lies about you? :c

      Even if you don't believe me, at least I stated my point of view.

      Also: the longer you keep me busy by commenting, the longer Alicia's body has to endure being in this place.
      So in other words, shuddup, I'm busy. :3


    8. I'll give you obe tip. Check your family. Also, even if you didn't have a reputation I wouldn't trust you. Paranoid bugger, remember?

    9. My family as in other shards? You just said you didn't trust shards yet you trust info about a shard coming from other shards?



    10. I trust people who tell me not to trust others. In that individual thing. Other than that I don't trust them. You'd think you never met someone who wasn't terribly trusting before.

      And that's ignoring the assumption you made thar...

    11. I feel kind of bad about the obtuseness, so I'mgonna give you a straight answer. A source who I trust to a certain extend laid her hands on a journal by a shard. Let me peruse the references on you in return for a favour.

    12. Its okay. ^.^

      Hmm depends on what kind of favor you want. o.o

