Thursday, August 22

Operation ICS: Final step

Step 4: Diversion

Fifty Nameless and going. The Instant is building an army. We needed to find out for what.
In part 2 of this "Operation" we found out they had few to no guns. So to give us a small advantage, I gave some of my guns to Kyra and Echo. (Also gave them some tips on how to use them, not sure if Echo knew what I was talking about but oh well.)
EAT gave me a bunch of them so yeah.

At 2:15 PM the three of us attacked the warehouse. Well actually there were more of us.
Three girls (us), 10 raptors, A flock of convocation birds and a few pterosaur thingies.
Their only advantage was numbers, not anymore.

We just straight up charged at the warehouse. The raptors and birds in front, me and echo in the middle and Kyra behind us while she recovered from her wounds. A few of the Nameless charged at us but were taken care of by the raptors. The birds dived into the building chasing some of the Nameless out of the building. There pterosaurs waited to attack them.

The looks on their faces were priceless. :D

Once a few of the Nameless managed to break through the raptors, it was Echo's turn. Me and Kyra backed up and covered her from a safe distance, safe for our ears specifically..
She screamed and all the Nameless hit the floor. No they didn't start dancing. They fell on their faces.
Was funny to watch. Me and Kyra shot the ones trying to get up. After that we just left.

Wait what?! You left? What the hell was the point of this?! <- most people's reaction right now.

The point was that we simply don't know a way to get the Instant into this book. So why would we even attack him when we don't know how to win?
We don't, this attack was never meant to target him. Some of you might have already figured it out before this post. It was a Diversion. (Like the title of this part says. o:)

Explaining the plan:

Part one: Getting to know the target. Also making them nervous or at least a bit more tense.

Part two: Pretend to attack, watch the confusion and find out what weapons they have.
Two b: Shatter the windows for easy access by birds later.

Part three:  Actually this part was just for the lulz. Wish I had a camera because damn that was awesome.

Part Four: Create a diversion. While the Nameless are busy fighting us three and the convocation Shine, who had possessed a non-convocation bird a bit earlier, flew in through the shattered windows. From there she possessed a random Nameless and looked around the building for clues. She found a file, possessed the dead bird again and flew back to our hide out with a document.

Actually its just a notepad with the Instant's plans in it. But yes, Mission success. We also got rid of 18 nameless. So yay. <x3

P.S. I'll look through the notebook first before posting about its contents. I've only skipped through it a bit.


  1. Good thinking, I probably would have just charged in there and beat him round the head with the book until something happened.

  2. A round of applause. Nicely done.
