Wednesday, August 7

Dreams like this weren't made to last.

Kyra reporting in.

I decided to retry the Scare&Chase tactic from my last post again. If I don't mention I want to find the Unnamed child, they might run to her for protection or whatever. This time Echo was there to help me so our chances of success were slightly higher.

Took us a few days to find the nameless again. Once again he was in a park. We moved quickly because the sun was starting to set. And I didn't want to chase this guy in the dark.
We walked up to him and Echo screamed at him before he noticed us. I rushed forward, grabbed his throat while he was disoriented and pushed him against the tree.

Him:" Shit, you again!"
Me:" Yes, me, again."
Him:"Let me go!"

I grinned as sadistically as possible to scare him. "No."

Him:"I won't tell you anything! You can't make me talk!"

"I don't want you to talk though, I want you to scream." I said while brushing the tip of my knife over his face.

It worked, he immediately panicked and stabbed me with a knife he had hidden. I pretended to not enjoy the pain and let him go. He saw a chance and ran. Echo wanted to grab him, I stopped her.

Me:" We don't want him dead, just follow him."

She nodded and we ran after him. Pretended to hunt him down, threw several knives at him. A bird had crawled out of my wound earlier and helped us keep track of him. Everything was going as planned.

But after three minutes of chasing him, everything went wrong.
Out of nowhere a man jumps up and tackles the nameless. Both of them stopped moving, me and Echo stopped running before realizing what happened.

Echo:" It..Its him! The shape shifter!"
Me: "Son of a bitch!"

The nameless opened his eyes and grinned. I'd recognize that fucking creepy, smug grin anywhere. The Instant, he had successfully taken over the nameless. Which meant he now knew the location of the Unnamed Child. Which means we were fucked.

I didn't give him a chance to get up and stabbed him through the chest before he could get on his feet. This didn't do much of course but it gave Echo time to come close and scream right in his face. I jumped out right before she did But it still hurt my ears.. (I should have brought ear plugs.)

He dropped to his knees but managed to roll away from her and started running. I tried to block his escape and slashed at him with my knife. It slashed through his shoulder but he just kept running and got past me.

Me:" Fuck!"

Me and Echo ran after him again. We chased him all the way until we reached an old playground. It was crawling with nameless, ten of them I think. And in the center of it all, a child, the Unnamed Child. She looked about four or five years old. Had a head slightly too big for a human child. Eyes were way larger than they should be, Black sclera ,green Irises. Her skin looked slightly reptilian, or just very dirty. And she wore a filthy rag that was supposed to be a dress.
Her sad expression would have made me feel sorry for her, If the birds hadn't taken my emotions away.

The Instant Walked straight towards her. We tried to catch him but the nameless blocked our way. They protected him, thinking he was one of them. Morons.
He looked back us and grinned. That fucking grin pisses me off every time.

Me: "Echo, Scream!"

Echo followed my order and screamed as loud as she could. This stunned the nameless and gave me time to cut myself open. A raptor jumped out of me and went straight after the Instant. 
Echo jumped on one of the nameless and fried his brain with her screams.

The Instant struggled with the raptor. It bit off his hand before he stabbed it with his other hand. He cut open the raptor only to be attacked by a flock of birds that burst out of the raptor. He fell on the ground as they pecked on him.

Meanwhile the Unnamed Child, who had just been standing there, turned around and skipped away into the bushes. By this time my wound had closed up enough for me to intercept an attack of one of the nameless. I stabbed him in the gut and kicked him down. Turned around to slash another one's throat.
A third one jumped at me but I repelled him with an electric shock from my hand.

Echo was being assaulted by the five remaining nameless. I turned my attention to the Instant, who had just escaped from the birds. So I chased after him and let Echo deal with the nameless.

 At that point I was getting exhausted. The Instant however doesn't have to deal with that stuff so he quickly caught up with the Unnamed Child.
I ran towards them, but before I could reach them the Instant reached out to her.

She turned around and flung his body into the trees as if it weighed nothing. But it was too late, he had managed to touch her. I realized that when She started crying. Her cries were louder and more painful than Echo's screams. 
I could feel her sadness and pain. 

And then suddenly, she stopped, looked up to me and .. that fucking grin appeared. I couldn't believe it, A shard just possessed a fucking Fear, that's not supposed to be possible! 

Before I could get my thoughts back together, a bunch of nameless popped up. No idea where they came from. The Instant pointed a finger at me.
They looked towards me and charged at me, I ran.

Echo had dealt with the five nameless but was badly beaten up. I was surprised she could still run. Then again she didn't have much choice. Luckily we escaped.
But we failed.

And now we're all fucked beyond our worst nightmares. 


Kyra out.


  1. Shit.

    Welp, with the trend of naming posts after deep song lyrics, and the combined presence of The Instant, I think my next post shall be entitled 'Get Back Motherfucker You Don't Know Me Like That'.

  2. And that means, that Lily...

    Oh this is too good ha HA!
