Monday, August 26


I contacted the Archive. Apparently they already knew. (Nine chances out of ten its because they keep track of my blog.) They did accept my offer to help defend the Catacombs though. So me, Kyra and Echo And me! .. And Shine, are moving to a nearby entrance to the catacombs. A group of archivists will be waiting for us there apparently.

I can feel the tension in the air. That or its just my nerves or Shine shenanigans.

Nu! D:

I know, I know, twas a joke.
Grabbing the last supplies and then we head out. Hopefully the Archive knows a way to trap the Instant in that Book. Otherwise we'll just have to gamble and improvise. Not really the best strategy to stop the end of the world but I don't have anything better at this point.
So.. Wish us luck. We'll need every bit of it.

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