Sunday, March 3


I said I'd do a Fearodex thingy, so here goes.

I'll start with EAT because its the one I'm living with. Although that Whisper girl thinks I'm technically a servant of it, I'm not. EAT has no servants. All I am is a voluntary guinea pig. No not the rodent, the other kind of guinea pig.
I'm not on her side and I'm not making things harder on other runners. I barely even encounter any of those.

A small disclaimer before I start. This information may not be accurate. Because the Fears in my universe don't function the same as the ones in other universes. This is made even more confusing by something that's called dimensional bleeding. Which makes it hard to know who is in what universe. Even when you meet that person face to face, it doesn't mean they are from the same universe. EAT told me that Mr. Incognito is in fact not in this universe. Even though I traveled with him for several days. Freaky isn't it?

Well that wasn't really a small disclaimer now was it? <.<

EAT is the reason I'm glad I don't like drinking water. Although I can imagine soda containing EAT as well.
Basically EAT is an extremely intelligent fluid that is identical to water. When it comes into contact with water it replaces it with itself. And that means ANY water, ponds, rivers, bottled water and water inside living organisms. The last one is how campers are made.

Campers are EAT's arms. All the water in their body has been replaced with EAT's Ink.
Most of these were once human but there are other animals that have been turned. Apparently a lot of dolphins are camper. At least thats what EAT told me.
The reason It uses humans however is because we have the most potential for learning. Other animals don't teach each other stuff in the way we do. And as a being that seeks knowledge this is very interesting for her. Were also the only animals on earth that keep records of our knowledge.

These camper all are connected to the hive mind that we call EAT. They are no longer who they used to be, all that remains is EAT. I'm not going to discuss how the camperfying process happens. I'll just say how you recognize them.

At first they'll just appear to be catatonic. Just sitting there with an empty and dull gaze. Their body will still be wet and they won't say a word until spoken to. Mostly just repeating what you say to them.
Eventually this dull expression disappears and they'll learn how to communicate. Their wet skin also dries to normal and they eventually appear to be returned to who they once were. At this point there is no way to tell them apart from a normal person. Unless EAT doesn't care about being found out, like the ones living with me.
As a result I've never seen a camper express any emotion in any way. Because I don't need to be tricked into thinking they're normal humans.

As I've said before, I'm not stupid enough to trust her. If you think I'm making her seem too friendly then sorry. EAT is a monster and everyone should remember that. It kills and tortures people and is extremely dangerous. I'm just lucky for now that I'm more valuable alive than dead to her.

Talking about that.. the conversation I had with her last night seems to indicate that that time is ending soon. The research into my resonatorness has come to the point where no more results are coming up. I may have to start running again soon. <x3


  1. Perhaps you should consider just joining up with a fear. That's what I did, and I'm still alive, now ain't I?

    1. Lets consider my options:

      1. I join up with slenderman. I've seen how he treats his servants. So no thanks.
      2.Cold boy. Yes because I want to be a lonely popsicle for the rest of eternity. <.<
      3. Intrusion. Eww no.
      4. EAT. Turning into a camper is technically the same as dying. And EAT already said it had no interest in making me a camper. So that option isn't.. an option. <.<

      OR I could go and find myself another Fear. Yes that sounds like a great plan. Right up there with toasting bread while taking a bath. >.>
      If you have any other of your great suggestions please do tell. .-.
