Monday, May 20

I need a break x.x

Yaro again here. I finally got a break from Alicia's training..
Its exhausting, but its giving results. I'm slowly getting the hang of walking. And I managed to hit a few targets with my gun training!

I just wish I could get a few more breaks. Four days of training with almost no breaks. x.x 
But after last Thursday's proxy attack I think I need it..
No Idea if I could ever match Alicia though. She took on five proxies and that Socky thing while protecting me.

I was on my way to make dinner in my wheelchair. When suddenly a proxy rushed in through the back door and threatened me with a knife. I screamed and before I knew it Alicia jumped him from behind and punched him against the floor hard.
Another one ran at us. She blocked his attack and punched him in the ribs. Followed by an uppercut that knocked him out cold.
I then heard a door behind us fly open. Before I realized it she had already put a bullet through the head of the third proxy.

We then rushed to the car in the garage. When the front door blows open right in front of us. A proxy runs in and before he realizes it his face is smacked against the wall. I could hear his neck snap. ...Still gives me shivers thinking about it.

"Dear Arceus I love these gloves" Alicia said. 

Right then a tentacle smashed through a window and that sock thing came through. We made a run for it. But when we got to the garage we saw the tires had been stabbed flat. 

Me:What now?!"
Alicia:"Plan B"

Socky then blasted through the garage wall. We tried to run again but it grabbed Alicia's arm and pulled her towards him. She screamed in pain, she said it burned.
It leaned closer to her and moved its mouth under its sock.


She struggled and put her gun under its chin and shot. Black blood (Azoth?.. what is.. oh.. Alicia says it was Azoth, whatever that is.) spewed everywhere and it screamed horribly. It let go of Alicia and she ran, telling me to follow her. I didn't hesitate to follow that order.

We headed outside to our spare car parked close by. Just as we reached it another proxy jumped us. He knocked the gun out of Alicia's hands, she knocked the teeth out of his mouth. He managed to land a punch on her stomach but she grabbed his arm and thrusted her knee into his balls.
He fell to the ground but grabbed her leg, she responded by putting a few bullets into him.

We got into the car and drove off. Alicia contacted EAT about something but then socky appeared back in front of us. Alicia just kept giving gas and ran him over. He clinged to the front of the car and slammed its tentacle against the glass. It cracked, Alicia hit the brakes and socky hit the ground.
Alicia then took a turn and we got out of there.

All the while I'm sitting there, shocked. And partly impressed at Alicia.. 
Shine already healed the wound socky gave her so we got out of there without a scratch. Although she says it still burns at random times. Kinda weird but I've seen worse..

What?! More training? But my break! No please just let me.. aww dammit.. Yaro out. Dx

1 comment:

  1. Just partly impressed? Just kidding.

    Anyway, get back to your training. I know its hard but its for your own good.
