Monday, June 10

Intermission, by The Moonlight

Sigh, my sister the Shining one made me promise to post this so here goes.

The reason the Instant wants me dead is simple, revenge.
You see back during the Shard hunter crisis, I was a Council member. The Dying man Council that is.
We organized the Dying man shard chaos as best as we could. We also represented the Dying man shards when meeting other Fears. 
We got the idea from Mother. She always had a thing for ominous organizations, hence the whole Scarlet marked cult.

For those ignorant idiots who don't now who I'm talking about, its the Red Cap.
Anyway, the twelve members of the local council decided something needed to be done about the shard hunter. So we came up with a plan and I was to be the one to execute it.

We took one of the weaker shards that wasn't smart enough to know what was going on, the Animal.
And we put her inside a resonator, we then made sure the resonator human was brain dead so she couldn't run.
I hid inside the same resonator. Waiting for the shard hunter to strike and would catch him off guard while absorbing the Animal. Hopefully killing him in the process. 

The plan worked, the shard hunter, or the Instant as his name really is, took the bait. But right there was where it went wrong. Another shard entered, a powerful shard, The Shining one.
This caused the Instant to go into hiding before she noticed him. So in an attempt to keep the shard hunter imprisoned I used some of my power to seal him partly. 

It wasn't long before he broke the seal and started attacking the three of us though. But at least we had him where we wanted him. Until the night he killed the Animal that is.
So yeah, that's the story. He wants me dead for tricking and sealing him. I wouldn't be surprised if he already absorbed the other council members too.

Now Sis and Alicia can finally back the fuck off with their questions. I hope you're happy now, if not well fuck you too.

-The Moonlight

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