Tuesday, June 11

Day 7: last attempt

Yaro cut off the last post rather abruptly. o.o
Sorry about that. She's getting really excited about our training sessions lately. Probably because she can now walk again for the first time in a long time. She's been in that wheelchair for a year now apparently. So I can't blame her for being excited.

Anyway back to the point.
Yaro mentioned I had a plan, involving EAT and a rat. You see, EAT has told me before that she has animal campers. And with the Instant doing his rat disappearing trick, an Idea sparked in my head.
If EAT used a rat camper to infiltrate the proxy base, we could find out if they really do have the Instant captured. Nobody is gonna suspect a rat right?

Anybody bringing up the point of them reading this blog and knowing our plans. You're forgetting I'm posting about what happened a week ago. The plan has already been done, so it doesn't matter if I post it now.

So this part of the plan worked perfectly. EAT agreed to help us and tell us anything her rat camper saw. And indeed, they had the Instant. Tied up in a room swearing and yelling that he would kill them all in the most horrific manner possible.
She also counted about 7 proxies guarding the place. The only issue?
They had frigging guns! I hadn't gone up against proxies with guns before. They always had knives or other weapons they needed to get up close and personal with.

But no, these ones had guns. But we had something better, we had dinosaurs.
We had three advantages over them.

1. We knew how many of them there were and how well armed they were.
2. We had Kyra and her raptors.
3. We had the element of surprise.

They told us to come there at a certain time. They didn't want us to be late, however they didn't count on us being five hours early. Me and Kyra went to the abandoned house where the proxies were at.
We sent in the raptors first, pterosaurs second, birds third. And then me and Kyra.

The Raptors had taken out three proxies. The birds and pterosaurs were swarming around the place. The four remaining proxies were panicking like crazy. We burst in through the front door.
Kyra grabbed one of the proxies who was nearby and stabbed him. I shot two others who were fighting off birds and pterosaurs.
The last proxy ran.

It feels good to take down a proxy base, it really does. Especially when everything goes according to plan. And so far everything went well. So I should have known something was gonna go wrong, but I didn't.
We made our way to the room EAT said the Instant was in. And there he was, all tied up on a chair. Half of him was rotting away. (I'm so glad Shine doesn't do that to me.)

You're welcome! ^^

He recognized us and tried to escape but the proxies had him tied up very well. We had him.
Finally we could end this stupid cat and mouse game. (I'm not sure which one is the cat and who's the mouse.)

But no, right then and there the thing I had least expected happened. You see, I hadn't seen him in a long time so I forgot he was still after me. It was only his proxies and Socky I saw regularly.
Yes, right there and then, tall dark and faceless showed up.

And I was immediately reminded why the fucker scared me so much. He stared right at me with his head tilted a bit to the side. Kyra was shocked, she hadn't seen him yet. So she just stood there almost paralyzed. Even though she's a nest she still knows Fear apparently.

But then again only the most fucked up persons don't get scared near this thing. I grabbed her arm and tried to run out of there but she wouldn't move. It was then that a tentacle lashed out at us I ducked and dodged it but Kyra was hit straight in the stomach and was sent flying out the window.
I started running while saying: "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK THIS SHIT FUCK!!"

Or something along those lines. Luckily he didn't follow me. Kyra apparently was alright. The room wasn't too high up so I wasn't too surprised. But she was clearly in a lot of pain. Even if she normally enjoys pain, this was a lot more painful than her cutting herself open.(Might be because of Slendy being an eldritch monster. Combined with the fact that his tentacle slammed into her like a damn train or something.)

I'm so lucky I managed to dodge that, because I don't think I'd be able to handle that pain. Being a normal human and all.. x.x

So yes, we failed to capture the Instant again. Fucking Slender man. <x3

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