Saturday, June 8

Day 3: No I didn't get Kyra to post.

I tried, but alas, the girl is too stubborn.
So I'll post it instead. I just wanted her to be included you know. She might be a Nest but she's still on our team at the moment. And maybe if she posts I'll actually get to know her. Its a pain trying to work with people you know shit about. At least she takes directions well.

I read her old blog, Kevin's blog actually. But the girl in that blog and the one sitting in her room here are like two different people. From the posts she made on Cumulonimbusaurus-Rex (jeez what a mouthful) you'd think she'd be very expressive about her emotions.
But so far she's close to EAT in the award category of most emotionless people ever. If you can call EAT a person..

The only emotion I've seen from her are boredom and anger. That and the disturbing moans when she cuts herself to let out a bird or a raptor. But I'm getting distracted, its ironic because last post I told Yaro to get to the point quickly.

So day three, the day where we found the Instant again. Or rather he found us and we found out that he found us before he found out that we had found him.

I'm not reading that sentence out loud twice..

Long story short, Kyra had birds watching all the people that got off the bus on day one.
So when one of those people was outside of our hide out, watching us for about an hour we knew it was him.

I mean who else could it have been? Sure there were other options but those were unlikely.
So Kyra sneaked a few raptors around the back to attack him. As soon as they attacked we ran out to confront him. He panicked, tried to run, we didn't let him.

Unfortunately he had a back up plan. Suddenly rat crawled out of his pants and into the sewers. The body collapsed on the ground and we watched the raptors tear it to shreds, very confused at what happened. Shine figured that he must have fled like the rat he is, inside a rat.

I must hand it to him, he's a creative bastard. But Arceus Damn it we will catch him eventually.


  1. Impressive, creative, unexpected, this thing you are hunting, no amateur that is for sure.

    But you can handle him.

    - Mr. Incognito.
