Wednesday, July 31

I already hate this place

The City is taunting me.
That Door I came through to get here, is following me. A frigging hovering Door, is following me. WTF

Its like 10 meters behind me every time I turn around. No some might think this is a good thing. Now I can just run back to it whenever I want to get out of here. But I know enough about this place to know better. As soon as I try to run to it, it'll disappear. Or it will move away from me, or something.

Aside from that damned Door nothing seems to be here. If I didn't have Shine this place would be .. well empty. If I didn't know any better I'd expect the Cold brat to show up. But luckily there haven't been any nursery rhymes or temperature drops yet. Then again I've only been here for a few hours.

You think you know how Empty this place is. But trust me you don't. I didn't either.
Imagine walking through a city at night. No people around you, no cars, no sounds. The lights flicker, the sky is completely dark grey, almost black. No stars in the sky, no moon or clouds either, just grey.
I'm not just in an empty city, I'm in an empty frigging Universe.
The only signs of life I've seen are those messages written on the old grey walls.

"Turn back!"
"ES cape"
"Danger ahead"
"What you seek is not here"
"Our princess is in another castle."

What? I didn't see that one yet..

Look, there.

...I don't even...


  1. Do you even have a plan to get out, Shine? 'cause that'd be a disappointingly anticlimactic end. Best of luck with that.

    1. Oh noes, I forgot that part!



    2. She's just kidding, we've got.. a plan of sorts.

    3. Is the plan 'come up with something off the top of my head', 'cross that bridge when I come to it', 'pull an Indiana Jones' or 'wing it'?

      XD Still, a plan of sorts is better than none.

    4. Considering how unpredictable the city is its kinda hard coming up with a plan. But we've got one. Even though yes, 80% of it relies on improvisation.
