Sunday, September 1

Aftermath and a new start.

I opened my eyes and got back on my feet. The whole Library was in ruins. The Unnamed child's body had exploded and knocked me out. Once I got back on my feet and regained my balance I noticed Kyra was also knocked out.
I walked over to her to see if she was alright. Apparently she was. That just shows how tough nests are. Freaking overpowered bastards. Anyway, she woke up when I called her name.

Me:" You okay?"
Kyra:" Yeah, I'll be alright."

I helped her get up and she thanked me. She fucking thanked me. o.O Normally I'd get a "Don't touch me." or something.

Me:"..Since when do you thank people?"
Kyra:" Huh?..oh..I just.. I don't know.."
Me:"You sure you're Okay?"
Kyra:" The birds.. they're not controlling me."
Kyra:" I don't know, I can still feel their presence but.. I'm back in control over myself. I'"
Me:"How is that even.."

Suddenly Echo crawls out from under a fallen book rack. We helped her get out safely.

Me:" You okay Echo?"
Echo:"..I think so.. its just, the Voices."
Me:"What are they saying?"
Echo:"Nothing.. The whispers are gone..THE WHISPERS ARE GONE!"

I've never seen her so happy. o.O
Same counts for Kyra, she fucking smiled. Kyra never smiles, ever. But she was smiling this time.
Didn't last long though. Echo quickly got back to being scared. Mainly because she's afraid that the Voices will come back. And Kyra started crying. And I was standing there with no clue on what to do.

I had almost forgotten about the Martyrs and the Library girls. As soon as I remembered I went to look for them. The Martyrs were all dead and so was Trish. The other girl was still alive though.
I called Kyra and Echo over to her and we carried her over to the couch.
A little while later she opened her eyes and jumped up.

Me:"Its okay, the Instant is gone, he's sealed."
Her;"The what now?! Who are you people?! Oh god why are there dead people on the floor?!"
Me:".. We were here to protect the Catacombs remember?"
Her:"The what?"
Me:" The domain of the Blind man?..Wait.."

She started crying. I then realized her eye color had changed. Her dark brown eyes were now grey. I suddenly remembered the Blind man touching her and I had read somewhere that Gifted had grey eyes.
She probably had been gifted with a new set of memories. But for some reason she didn't remember her old memories.

Me:"What's the last thing you remember?"
Her:"I..a play, there was a play and then .. screaming. That faceless thing  I ran to the bathroom and and.. Oh god.. I died."
Me:"You what?"
Her:" They killed me.. it must have been a dream.. but how did I end up here?.."
Me:"Maybe. Its Okay now though you're safe with us."

She then wiped her tears and froze.

Me:"Whats wrong."
Her:"My hands.."
Me:" Your hands look fine to me." I started thinking the Choir had infected her through Echo and she was seeing things or something.
Her:"They're black.. "
Me:"Well, so is the rest of you.. "
Her:"What are you talking about I'm Japanese... What the hell happened?!"
Me:"You're..Japanese?.. What?"

I'll save you the rest of this conversation because it was long and confusing as shit. But I managed to conclude that:

  1. Her name is Veronica.(The one she remembers at least.)
  2. She doesn't know ANYTHING about the Archive or even other Fears.
  3. She has none of her original memories.
  4. She has all of someone else their memories. (Half Belgian/Japanese girl named Veronica.)
  5. She remembers dying by the hands of two monsters.
  6. One of the "monsters" sounds a lot like Slendy.
  7. The other one reminds me of the Wooden girl.

Now I offered to keep her safe for a while, at least until she gets used to her Identity crisis. Kyra and Echo also want to stay around me. Apparently they have no clue what to do now their Fears are not controlling them. Echo seems more stable now, still paranoid but that's probably normal in her situation. Kyra however is constantly crying and apologizing for all the horrible things she did after becoming a nest. And Veronica is sleeping to recover from all this shit.

Wait.. If the Convocation and Choir are gone.. then Oh my god SHINE! Shine are you there?

Hmm?.. Oh sorry, yes I'm here. ^.^

Phew.. I thought you were gone too.

Nope. Still here. The Instant is gone now though. And I promised I'd leave your body alone as soon as we got him.

...True.. But I changed my mind. I'm going to need your help.

With? o.O

My next target. What do you think partner? Shall we kill another Fear?

Lets. :D
OOH ooh, are Kyra, Echo and the new girl gonna be helping?

Dunno. I'd have to talk to them.

If they say yes we should make a new group blog. For all of us! :3

That's not a bad idea..
A new mission, a new group and a new start. <x3


  1. Accomplished are we here.
    I congratulate thee.
    I hope your fortune,
    will be greater than mine.

  2. Congratulations.

    ...I'm still debating the logistics of sending cake.

    Did you receive your medal?

    1. Thanks.

      I'll just make a cake myself and pretend you sent it.

      Yes, yes I did. Nice job.
      Shine was super happy with it.
