Monday, May 27


Yaro here.
Alicia told me to post on here while she's away with.. Kyra was her name?
She first took me to a different hide out. Safer to keep moving she said. But most of the time we move further away. This was just a short drive I hope it will be enough because I doubt I can protect myself.

I just hope she finishes this plan of hers quickly. Maybe then I can get rid of... umm Moony it was?..
Ye Moony. And then I can go home, to my boyfriend, I'm sure he's worrying about me.

Ye, that's not gonna happen. Once you're in this you can't get out. I'd be surprised if your boyfriend was even alive still. If he is, he won't be for long.
Also Alicia, when you read this. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!! You're supposed to be protecting me! Goddamn humans, can't be trusted. 

Wha.. No! He's alive! He's waiting for me, you asshole trying to scare me! Once you get out of me everything will be alright!

Sure, keep believing that babe.

Fuck you.


  1. Go home, Moony. You're drunk on Moonshine.



    1. I have no home. We shards don't get drunk. You don't make sense.

      -The Moonlight

    2. Brother, Y U no know human memes.


  2. Moony, considering you derailed that lady's life, the least you could do is not be a prick.

    1. How about...


      -The Moonlight

    2. Don't mind my little brother's behavior bunny. He is a prick most of the time.

